Will this kill all my mosquitoes?

Our service will not kill all of your mosquitoes, but we promise it will feel like they're all gone after a few treatments.

Will you do a one-time treatment?

Yes, but this treatment will only last 21 days. We do not promise the same results associated with our mosquito control program. If you wind up liking our service, contact us for a special offer.

Are your mosquito products all natural?

We use a synthetic version of a naturally-occurring compound found in chrysanthemum flowers which can be found in pet shampoos and flea and tick treatments.

What's the big deal with mosquitoes?

Mosquitoes are the deadliest animal on Earth, killing over 700,000 people a year. Mosquitoes carry West Nile Virus, Zika, encephalitis, among other diseases which can affect your pets like heartworm.

Do you treat for fleas and ticks?

Yes! They're in second and third place on our hit list for summer pests.

How can I prevent mosquitoes from coming back?

Standing water sources, like gutters, children's toys, and puddles are breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Mosquitoes also like long, uncut grass and piles of debris to hide during the day. You will have better results with mosquito control if your neighbors also treat their yards.

How long before I can go on my lawn?

Within 30 minutes of spraying, your yard is ready for your family and pets to come out and play.

How do I make the most of Mosquito Man's treatment?

Keep your lawn cut short, drain sources of standing water, and consider using mosquito-repelling plants like citronella in your yard.